Saturday, September 6, 2008

My newest creation!

My nephew Dean turns 2 tomorrow. Today was his birthday party. I was asked to make the cake. I was so excited! I found this cute cake online and decided to give it a shot. It turned out better than I imagined. Definitly better than the cake I made him last year. Here is the green dinosaur......


Erin said...

hey megan, Thanks for your comment. Your cake turned out SO CUTE!! I'm so glad you posted pictures of it. I love the chocolate spikes and toe nails. You did an awesome job on it. You should move on to some wedding cakes!

Maybe for calebs next birthday if he still likes dinosaurs I will make him the cake you just made. It is way cute.

Good job! See you in church tomorrow and lunch on wednesday. I'm excited!!


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

That is a darling cake! Way to go girl!

Megan said...

Robyn, I can not look at your blog anymore because you went private. I think there is someway to add me with my email address. meganhicken@hotmail Hopefully you get this!


Danna said...

Wow, that is an amazing cake! Ryan and I didn't know about that talent! I want to start making cakes. I think it would be fun. I will have to come to you for some tips!

Amber Bryce said...

That cake is very cool. I just made my first decorated cake - a football for Ren's B-day. I'll post it on my blog soon. Man, sorry about that poopy day you had.

Lorina said...

Okay.. SO CUTE! You really did a good job. I should have asked you to help me make Maddox's cake.

Molly said...

Your cake looks awesome!!! I'm totally impressed! PS, I'm looking forward to the jewelry party. Sounds like fun!