I did get pictures of the gifts I made them. I made them both a diaper cake. Well Amanda helped wrap that diapers, which was the hardest part. Really they were pretty simple and fun to make. They had 2 cans of formula in the centers. Here they are....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
baby shower
I did get pictures of the gifts I made them. I made them both a diaper cake. Well Amanda helped wrap that diapers, which was the hardest part. Really they were pretty simple and fun to make. They had 2 cans of formula in the centers. Here they are....
Posted by Megan at Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Birthday time!
My sweet baby turned 1 year old today. I can't believe he's so old. Seems like just yesterday he came into this world, yet it feels like he's been a part of my life forever. The year has gone by so fast. We had a fun rubber ducky birthday party for him on Saturday. He got so many gifts, thank you everyone that came. He loves them. He enjoyed opening his gifts and eating his cake. Here are a few pictures....
blow up duck full of drinks
These are the cups to put your snacks in. Cute little ducks eh?
I couldn't decide on what cake to make. So I made 3 small ones. I know I am ridiculous, but most of it was eaten.
This one fell apart as I was putting it on the table... but you get what it was right..?
We had some baby bottle bowling! GO MADILYN!!
Tyler opening his gifts. He tried to climb right in all the bags to get his toys. it was so funny!
He finally got a ball. Thanks Chels!
Tyler mostly just picked at the ducks face. I think he was nervous with everyone looking at him.
He finally dug in when the attention was off him.
I thought of buying a bubble blower but instead I had my brother Matt. Tyler loved the bubbles! Thanks Matt!!!
Posted by Megan at Monday, September 15, 2008 6 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Posted by Megan at Saturday, September 13, 2008 5 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Tyler's first haircut
You are all probably wondering why one earth I would cut Tylers hair when he hardly has any anyway. Well 2 reasons. 1- His hair was growing in so un even and he had these funny looking wings on the side that were driving me CRAZY! 2- I heard that if you cut their hair it will grow back faster and thicker. So we will see. He was SO good for his hair cut. I thought he would be scared of the clippers but he held very still and did GREAT!
Posted by Megan at Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My newest creation!
My nephew Dean turns 2 tomorrow. Today was his birthday party. I was asked to make the cake. I was so excited! I found this cute cake online and decided to give it a shot. It turned out better than I imagined. Definitly better than the cake I made him last year. Here is the green dinosaur......
Posted by Megan at Saturday, September 06, 2008 7 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My embarrassing moment
I usually like to add a picture each time I post. Maybe because I feel like they are more interesting than what I write. But you will all probably be thankful I didn't add one after you read this....
Being a CNA for about 6 years, and a mother, poop has never really bothered me, until today....
Today has not been a good day for Tyler... When I walked in his room this morning to get him out of bed,his room smelled awful. I decided I better change his diaper, well I didn't just change his diaper, but his outfit and entire bed. What a mess. I figured he had just eaten something that upset his stomach. About an hour later it happened again. 2 baths in one day! Well he wasn't acting sick or grumpy and seemed better so I went about my day. Thankfully no more accidents.
About 9:15 or so Donny and I left my parents to go home but I needed to run to the store first. We stopped at Macey's in Provo to grab a few things. We were headed down the baking aisle when I smelled something. I looked at Donny and said "We better hurry before we have another explosion." and I took off down the aisle. Not even a second later Donny starts saying " OH NO! OH NO! OH NO!" Well you guessed it. Diarrhea EVERYWHERE. Oh my gosh it was so aweful. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a handful of paper towels, but that wasn't enough. We asked a couple workers if they could help us and they were so nice but I felt so bad. Then I had to go to the bathroom to change Tyler while he's SCREAMING his head off. And last of all I had to expalin to the cashier what happened and why I was walking around with a plastic bag wrapped around my sons bottom(just incase it happened again) I asked the cashier to please find someone to take the cart to be sanatized, because it was discusting. Well she just gave me this look like "Are you serious?" well yes I was very serious. She then turned to the bagger and asked him if he would help me. I then had to explain what had happened all over again. He was very very nice and understanding, thankfully or I might have broke down in tears. We planned to make a short trip to the store and we didn't get out of there til 11 o'clock. Now we are up drinking pedialite all night. Luckily we made it out of the store alive and we will call the doctor in the morning.
I hope you all had a better day than me! Oh, but I still love being a mom!
Posted by Megan at Thursday, September 04, 2008 3 comments