So I was tagged 3 times in one week and all three were different. I am going to blend them together and then tag 3 people and you guys can do what you want with it! :)
What were you doing:
10 years ago- I was 13, I remember I had spent a week in the hospital with pnuemonia. best friends were Lorina Johnson, Kellie Burton, and Stephanie Taylor.
5 years ago- going to college, moved out for the first time, and bought a car! (which I still have and its getting old!)
3 years ago- actually 3 years ago this week I recieved a mission call to Knoxville Tennesee, and went thru the temple to recieve my endowment. (p.s. I never went on my mission, in case you didn't know, long story)
3 joys- Well My husband, my baby, and the gospel.
3 fears- That Tyler will choke(he eats everything!), that I will lose someone close to me, and spiders of course.
3 obsessions- with taking pictures for my blog, ice cream, I thought I was obsessed with throwing up, then i realized I was pregnant!
3 suprising facts- I've never been in a airplane, I was in labor for 25 hours, I don't really like chocolate
Husband Tag
1. What is his name? Donny
2. How long have you been married? 2 years 2 months
3. How long did you date before you were engaged? 5 months
4. How old is he? 24
5. Who eats more sweets? Me(isn't it obvious), he is not huge into sweets and always gets after me
6. Who said I love you first? Me, haha and I didn't mean to it came out so naturally I didn't even realize I said it until he said "how do you know?" AGH!!
7. Who is taller? Donny is 5 inches taller than me
8. Who can sing better? Not sure if he likes to sing more but he always has some random song to sing every morning.
9. Who is smarter? Donny!
10. Who does the laundry? ME ME ME
11. Who pays the bills? We both do
12. Who sleeps on the right side? Depends if you are in it Donny does, if you are looking at it I do!
13. Who mows the lawn? The landscaping company
14. Who cooks dinner? I usually do, but he does when I have other plans
15. Who drives? Always Donny, but only since we were married.
16. Who kissed who first? Donny kissed me, but i kissed him back!
17. Who asked who out first? He asked me but I turned him down so I asked him!
18. Who proposed? Donny, although the weather didn't help him out any. It was like a really romantic date gone bad. Fun memories though!
19. Who has more siblings? We both have the same, we each have 1 sister and 4 brothers
20. Who wears the pants? I think we both wear skirts, we would do anything for each other (although donny wouldn't ever admit to wearing a skirt)
I love you Donny!!!!
I tag... Amber Bryce, Ashley Starker, and Erin Pettingill!!!
1 week ago
Holy Crap it's Megan Cooley! I can't believe I stumbled across your blog! This is Jennie Day from high school- I don't totally know if you'll remember me. I'm so glad I found your blog though! I'm definitely putting it on my blog list (unless you don't want me to) :D
p.s. CUTE BABY!!
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