You can't fake one of these!
Megan's been feeling a little weird lately, and when she came home from her workout today she was feeling pretty nauseous, so she's been wondering if she might be pregnant. We were pretty sure that she wouldn't be, but she wanted to take a test anyway. SURPRISE! This is the test she handed me about an hour ago. How crazy that we would actually find out we are pregnant on April Fool's Day! Nobody's going to believe it's true, but you can't really make up a fake test.
(But your pregnant sister-in-law can....)
I am pretty dissapointed with myself for falling for this, especially after listening to several fake pregnancy announcements this morning. I have to say, it was pretty well thought out and executed - I even thought I saw the beginning of tears in Megan's eyes when she came out of the bathroom! Geez....
I'm gonna have to get her back eventually.